The armor of God is faith in the good, the enduring and the true. Against such, there is no law. That is, against Truth, nothing can stand. The armor of God suggests protection to those who believe in and trust the law of Good. With this armor--knit together by that thread of unity running through all, strong with the strength of the Almighty, burnished with clear vision and true estimates of life and Reality--we are safe. We abide under the shadow of the everlasting Truth. With Moses, we can say, “underneath are the everlasting arms.”
Everyone has been affected by this COVID 19 virus in some way, it's rocked our world! For those of us in California we have just passed the halfway mark to the time when we are scheduled to come out from the quarantine. I was thinking this is the perfect time to use our ability to level up our lives so that when we gain our freedom to leave our homes, it's with new found resilience and power. I keep saying that this is an opportunity to make the inner changes while we have this time.
With the heaviness that our hearts are feeling, it's super important to bring in the lightness of our being as well. Keep in mind that feelings are creative, meaning that when we feel in our heart it "talks" to the body. If we are feeling fear, anxiety all the time it will certainly not vibrate in our body well, it literally causes "dis-ease". When we have the ability to choose calm and be more comfortable we create ease and build up our immune system rather than breaking it down, (check out the photo below). In times like these it's important to keep a balance with taking care of our health, wealth, mental clarity and believe it or not, having fun. It is alright to laugh and play when in lockdown, in fact, it's wildly important. But for now, the present moment is what we’re dealing with, so what can we do to stay in alignment for these next weeks. First, take a minute for yourself and take inventory of what you’ve been doing that has worked during lockdown… appreciate that, kudos for what you have done! Then, take a look at what you've been doing that hasn't worked quite so well for you. No judgement Now, what are your options? What can you do that will keep you more sane and healthy? Write it down, create a list of options for you to choose from each day. Here are some suggestions. ∞ Put a reminder on your phone to take five during the day to refocus. ∞ Take time to go outside and put your feet on the earth to be grounded. ∞ Make new food choices that support a healthy lifestyle. ∞ Call an old friend to reconnect. ∞ Clean out useless items in your home. ∞ Make a vision board. ∞ Join up with a new form of exercise. ∞ Meetup with new like-minded people. ∞ Watch a video that will inspire you. ∞ Play with a child or animal that makes you feel happy. ∞ Go outside at night and watch the stars. ∞ Do something that makes you feel brave. ∞ Tell someone how much you appreciate them. ∞ Take a calming bath. ∞ Play a game with friends. ∞ Meditate in a new way. ∞ Organize one closet. ∞ Be of service to the world. The suggestion is to add to this list on a regular basis. Make some of the actions fun, and some that are more on the challenging side. I have a resource page on my website that is filled with options for mental, spiritual and emotional growth. I know that many people are watching the basic news channels, it’s a good idea to find other sources of news as well. It’s important to see what is going on from many angels, make your own informed decision on what is real, and what you choose to do about it. I wish you well on your journey, may love and light lead your way!
![]() “Through the connection that joins all things, scientists have shown that the “stuff” that the universe is made of—waves and particles of energy—responds and conforms to the expectations, judgments and beliefs that we create about our world. In a world where an intelligent field of energy connects everything from global peace to personal healing, what may have sounded like fantasy and miracles in the past suddenly becomes possible in our lives. There is one small catch, however. Our power to change our bodies and our world is dormant until we awaken it. The key to awakening such an awesome power is that have to make a small shift in the way we see ourselves in the universe. We must see ourselves as a part of everything, rather than separate from everything. Beyond merely thinking of ourselves from this unified view, we must feel ourselves as part of all that we experience. With this one little shift in perception we are given access to the most powerful force in the universe, and the key to address even the seemingly impossible situations in our lives.” ~Gregg Braden “You create your life through the inner power of your being, whose source is within you and yet beyond the selves that you know. Use those creative abilities with understanding abandon. Honor yourselves and move through the godliness of your being.” ~Jane Roberts/Seth This knowledge has been one of the most important things that I have learned, it’s been that “thing” that has given me the ability to lead the life that I’m so grateful for now. Modern science has proven that there is a field of energy that is present everywhere, in and as all things. Scientists recognize that this energy is intelligent and interactive with us, it is you, it’s me, the expanded WE. This energy is called many names, some of my terms are Infinite Intelligence, Unified Field, Source, Source Energy, and as one of my favorite teachers likes to call it, the Divine Matrix. Many people call It God. I used to work at a rehab that was right on the ocean in Malibu, and I would take my clients to the edge of the cliff and show them the ocean and explain to them what being connected to their power looks like. As we stood there, I would say, “Imagine that the ocean is the infinite intelligent universe. It’s powerful and expansive. You don’t have to tell the ocean what to do, it knows exactly how to be. It rocks back and forth honoring the rhythm of the earth. The creatures, great and small are all in sync with the nature of their being. Imagine that this ocean is creative, it is love, peace, power, calm, etc. Now, imagine that you are a drop of water in this ocean, you are one with it, connected to the intelligence, connected to all the good that this energy has to offer. You are the ocean; the ocean is you. You bring in information, you send out information in the form of electromagnetic energy. When you are in your power feelings, this connection is felt, experienced and you are creating consciously. But, what if you’re in those fear feelings? That’s when it seems like you have a layer of oil surrounding you and the connection to the Universe feels gone. You are always one with Source, but anger, anxiety, worry, judgement, depression, etc. give us a sense of disconnect. It feels like we’re alone and vulnerable. The more we work through our feelings of fear and continue to own our power to be at least calm, the more we are in a conscious connection to our higher self. Another way to look at it is to imagine that we are very similar to this computer that I am typing on right now. When we are first born we are totally connected to the “internet” … Infinite Intelligence. We were an open channel and the power of the universe flows through us. As we grow, especially in the years from 0 to 8 we take on beliefs that may give us a sense of disconnect from the flow of information and power from the “internet”. It doesn’t mean that it’s not there, just that we don’t have good reception. When we do have an open channel, we are open to insights, inspiration, information, massive creativity, and healing energy. SUPERCHARGED INTELLIGENCE That’s what you are. In the videos below you can see one unique way that musicians are able to "work their magic" using their unique physical energy. I find it to be quite beautiful. Notice when you get around other people and feeling/sensing their energy. Is it attractive? Repulsive? How is your energy? Are you putting a vibrational message that connects with love, abundance, peace, radiant health, success? Or maybe the opposite... hate, lack/limitation, anger, dis-ease, or failure? Own your ability to direct your energy with your thoughts, feelings and actions. It's a process of mindfulness, practice, commitment, perserverance and resiliance. #IntelligentUniverse #CreativeEnergy #FocusOnSolutions #ToolsForTransformation
I facilitated a group yesterday, the topic was Moving from Victim to Victorious. The clients wanted to know what actions they could take, what tools could they use to feel and own being victorious. The students who survived the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida are an excellent example of the actions that you can take to be victorious in such a violent, painful and traumatic event. I salute them for their strength, determination, and courage. They have my full support in their efforts to change the laws. I'm so impressed with who they are choosing to be, they truly give me hope for the future. A heartfelt KUDOS to all of them and their families who are so supportive. Here are some actions that we can all take to move from victim to victorious.
Do you ever notice that when people are playing games, they do whatever it takes to win? They learn the rules and they lead with determination and a passion that is focused and direct. Think about the gaming industry, the people in your life, yourself. Do you know anyone that doesn’t play some sort of game? Online games, Xbox, WII, Words with Friends? The gaming world takes up a lot of time, and it can be a great distraction from our individual lives. Many of us play games with more drive and intention than we use to be present in day to day life. Sometimes we don’t recognize the difference between reality and virtual reality. This game of Transformation is designed to bring that distraction back to the focus of your life. You get to be a gamer in a new way… to play to win at your own life. To level up the happiness, health, peace, abundance/success, and love. You are worthy and deserving of a fun life, filled with all the greatest feelings and experiences that life can bring. Be clear that there is a space within you that is perfect, whole and complete. Value yourself enough to find that center and grow it. You are the only one who can love you enough. This is an opportunity to relearn some rules and tools of living that you took on along the way. A chance to own your own thinking and your emotions in a whole new way. In the game of your life, you are the main player and only you can find the solutions to create a great life. As we play this empowerment game, it’s never ending. It doesn’t just take one turn and you are done, this is the game for the rest of your life - for the best of your life. All the information and activities are designed to wake up the brain and structure a new pathway that is in alignment with your greatest intentions. It’s up to you to make the commitment to yourself on how you will play the game of your own life. What is the most important thing? You! Yes, You! Not your kids, your family, friend, clients, job, period. If you don’t come first and be able to share from a place of your own fullness, what do you think you are giving to others. If you don’t come first, nothing else matters. You must be the most important part of your focus. When you play your game well, everyone around you benefits. This is a time to be “self-full”, it’s not selfish. Think of your life like you are a character in a *Sims game. In the game you create an avatar that kind of represents you. What happens to your character in the game is up to you. You dress her/him, create a job, make valuable life choices, you create your children, what your home looks like, the hobbies you have and you also get to deal with what happens to you. My daughter plays this game, and the one day her character was cooking and accidentally caught on fire. She died! It was tragic, and it could have been prevented. The great news is that she had another character immediately. In real life, obviously, we don't get to be the new character immediately, just like that. The Empowerment game allows for us to have a "do over", an opportunity to create our own character to be stronger, more focused, and happier. The trick is to know how the game is played and make it happen. I hear the craziest stories! My clients have had the widest range of situations, and sometimes it’s just extraordinary how they are even still on the planet with what they have had to face. As you’re reading this, you too have probably had extreme situations happen to you!
Much of the time the circumstance is not even about us, it’s something that someone else has done, said, or is experiencing. I have a very good friend that runs her own life very well, and many of the people she loves are experiencing debilitating life challenges. It gets to be exhausting when you’re worried about loved ones! The effects that worry, stress and anxiety have on the body are quite debilitating. We all know and love people with addictions, ill health/dying/death, financial challenges and relationship problems. We invest our time, our words of encouragement, love, prayers, and money in the hope of making a difference. Doing that in too many ways can unfortunately deplete our own reserves and cause us to give too much to others at the expense of ourself. We are all connected here on this earth, and at this moment there are so many people in the world experiencing hurricanes, earthquakes, famine, war, terrorism, etc. This goes out energetically to all, and it’s important to have tools in place to hold your own during this chaos. When life gets completely out of hand it’s everything we can do to just keep our head above water. In the Tools for Transformation there is a fix for this. The tool that is about moving your fear into your power is also about taking the challenges and moving into solutions. Here’s a sample for you! The Challenges You know that life requires an adjustment when you are: ∞ Feeling too emotional and not in control of your feelings. o Apathetic, depressed, lacking energy and overly angry. o Crying way too much. o Getting overly snappy with those people we care about. ∞ Not able to manage a balance with eating, sleeping and physical activity. o Not being able to get out of bed in the morning. o Staying up too late. Waking in the night, not able to get back to sleep. o Not able to muster energy for physical exercise. o Eating too much, too little or just crappy nutrition less food. ∞ Experiencing too much ill health, pain and tightness in the body o Dealing with unconscious, embarrassing compulsive behavior. ∞ Using drugs, alcohol, sex, smoking, food, etc. to be calm and distracted. The good news is that you don’t have to live in this state. Be compassionate with yourself and take this time to recognize that, this is where my life has been parked for a while, and now it’s time to move on… with more conscious intention. FOCUS ON THE POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS TRANSFORMATION GAME RULES TO WIN AT LIFE *Be deliberate and on purpose. *Know what you want. *Use every challenge as an opportunity to move up the board. *Keep focused on all solutions to your challenges. *Have fun! *Appreciate anything and everything. *Be patient with yourself. This is a process, not an overnight miracle. *Ask if you are not sure… there are answers. *Be compassionate with yourself and others. We are all just trying to figure it all out. *Choose your words, they are creative/destructive. *Be intentional, honest, thoughtful and considerate. *Focus on any and all good news. *Hold bad news in your purposeful prayers. *Keep moving up the emotional ladder. Move toward what makes you feel better. *Take care of yourself first, then you can take care of others. *Say NO when you want to… nicely, with a smile. *Keep challenging yourself and adding to the “Do This” suggestions. *Be present and honest with your feelings. No shoving things down. *Follow your intuition. *Look for anything to inspire you. *Be Mighty and Brave. * When you find yourself at the bottom, focus on what moves you up. *Make your own additions to this list. *Attend Audrey’s workshops, groups and see her individually if there’s a challenge that needs extra attention. A question was broached to me on Facebook, “How do we move forward in our daily lives for the next 4 years without becoming overwhelmed, angry, frustrated...?”
A habit becomes a habit when you take part in a behavior that utilizes no conscious attention. You are simply doing “it” with no thinking. When you finally hit a point where the habit is making your life uncomfortable, it’s already ingrained, and no amount of self-talk will stop you from that action.
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August 2021
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