I don't know anyone who has happy days every day... not one person in my life goes without having a crappy day at some point.
There are times that I just ask Nick what's going on with my chart or my numbers because the day is such a challenge, and there just must be something in the stars that is not lined up for me to be having a easy time with things. The funny thing is that there is usually some aspect to things that does create a funk. The good news is that we don't have to be stuck in the current situation. Go with it, allow the crappiness to teach you something. Find the solution and focus every bit of your attention on what action will gain you movement in the right direction. #OwnYourPower #FocusOnSolutions #ToolsforTransformation
This is the day that we celebrate the birth of Jesus, a man who gave us an example of Christ consciousness. I truly appreciate the teachings that he shared, especially how he was with forgiveness. For goodness sake, he was up on the cross and in unbearable pain and saying to forgive them for they know not what they do.
We have one week before the beginning of 2016, enough time to begin the process of letting go and moving into the new year with a intentional aim of owning our power to create this life with an open channel of love, great health, success and joy. All this is much easier to create without the heaviness of anger and resentment. Forgive those who have trespassed against you, and know that they will never have the power to do that again. Learn from the experience and gain your wisdom. Set yourself free. Today was a hard working day. My life’s work is centered around choosing calm instead of rage/fear. On this day, my rage was up. Not one, but two mass shootings! On top of the 353 already this year alone in the US. I don’t know why we call this the United States, we haven’t found a way to be united and agree on a solution that will create a safer country for us to thrive in. With all the bickering back and forth, nothing is getting done and violence is escalating. Where is our leadership? Many other countries seem to have figured things out… maybe we should take note of what they are doing right. Today marked a day, when so many people will say this was the day that changed my life, or maybe changed history. Unfortunately, this day follows so many that came before it. Too many deaths, too much fear and just too sad. Really. My job is to show my clients a way to be calm in the midst of chaos and focus on solutions. It takes a lot to bring one’s self back to center when it looks like so much in the world is off balance. I know, I used to live "off kilter" for many years. At this point I know I can’t live in despair or let the rage run my life. It doesn’t serve me, my body, or the world. If I let myself live there it serves nothing. I have to be back to calm, so that I can remember that I have the ability to own my power. This allows me recognize my inner peace, and the peace that is very present as so many beautiful people on this planet, and in my United States. I won’t let my terror win yet another soul. I truly believe that the best and highest that we can individually do to change what is going on, is to be the change that we want to create. Be peaceful. Be compassionate. Be calm. Focus on the solutions and have a greater vision for your future and the future of this country. Take any positive action. Be of service in the world. Do the thing that has integrity attached. When you see something going on that needs constructive attention, say something, be brave. Communicate effectively. This is a time for our leaders to come together and lead with cooperation, with an intention and focus on the good of all mankind. Not the profit of mankind. There is a reason that we are having more and more shootings, our attention to the terror and anxiety that it creates is like fuel to the fire of evil. In order to cut off the supply we have to focus on the solutions. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Be the light of peace and calm. #ENOUGH
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. ~Marianne Williamson It's hard to believe that we could fear the big thing that many of us really want... Success and Abundance, but it's true.
The key in moving forward and owning your success is to recognize what your fears are and face them head on. Fear of Failure As a result of our up bringing , many of us have a learned experience of failure and we unconsciously create from that vantage point of it being very familiar. Some of the thoughts we may have are: What if I do "it" and it's not good enough, I'll be embarrassed. I probably can't do it well enough, I won't even start. Someone else is already doing it, I can't imagine doing it better. It's just too hard. Fear of success Believe it or not, a fear of success is more common than a fear of failure. Most of the reasons for a fear of success are a result of our early conditioning in life. Some examples that might resonate with you are: Loss of privacy. Loss of time. Too much responsibility. I'm not smart, creative, interesting or powerful enough. Association of success with trauma ( example is a father who lost everything). Fear Associated with Money/Abundance There won't be enough money to pay the bills. Money doesn't come easy. I keep coming up short... there is never enough. Taking on another persons fear about $, could be a spouse, parent, partner, boss or employee. I can't make enough to do what I want. If I make more $ my ex is going to want to take it. For me, I watched my mother struggle with money and it was always a message of "there's not enough money, you have to work hard to earn money, and if I don't pay my bills, what's going to happen!". It was a scary environment to grow up in and has been quite an adventure to move beyond. The good news is that I have moved beyond that belief system and have created a new idea that serves me so much more... and i get to share that information with you! The solution is that we have to pay attention to that little voice in our head that is always talking. When we are feeling anxious, angry or afraid, that is the best time to listen, because it's then that you can find your answer of how to change your thoughts around to a strategy that serves you better. It's a process, and the tool below is the best bet for change. I’ve been an entrepreneur for 35 years, and I have definitely seen my share of ups and downs with success. In looking back, one thing that I see clearly is that all of my success and failure happened because of my attitude. Every single time that I was in a place of lack and limitation, it was because of my perception. My perception was colored by my negative feelings about myself, my value and my intelligence.
It took me a while, as it was quite a process, but I can say that in so many ways, owning my success in life and business has been the most liberating thing I’ve ever done. The program Tools for Transformation is basically a process of reconstructing your internal system to be highly charged in deep self-worth, appreciation, awareness and passion. The “process” is easy and really very simple. I’ve created eight tools/practices that work to recreate your negative thinking into constructive actions. There’s a lot of information in a user-friendly format with an emphasis on focusing on the solutions for a successful business. All the tools especially when applied to a business setting are very powerful. Are you owning your confidence and value? If the answer is no, then there’s a strong possibility that the people you want as clients are not seeing it either. Are you having challenges communicating with clients or fellow employees? If the answer is yes, then there is another approach to communication that is fail proof to getting your point across in a constructive way. Are you feeling overwhelmed with your business? If the answer is yes, then understanding your ability to choose calm in the face of drama, anxiety and stress is a certain life saver. Do you want to generate more money? Get past your unconscious blocks and own your conscious intention. Are you lacking inspiration and motivation? Then this is the plan for you! This Focus on Success workshop absolutely creates bigger, better and more fun businesses… guaranteed. Life is a mirror of our consciousness. Evil never creates the internal feeling of deep self love. As we live... love is the one thing that really matters. Every thought and belief creates our life. That is the main activity that we do each and every day, and most of us can't remember 90% of our thoughts at the end of the day. If you could, you would realize that 70% of those thoughts were probably negative. These subconscious thoughts are a representation of your life, and if you're not happy, there's a good reason. The great news is that there is a great way to change your thinking and your beliefs. Mindfulness is a practice of constantly recognizing what the subconscious voice within is saying. Take the time to pay attention to the messages brought to the surface; this creates an opportunity to use your power to choose what benefits your life in the moment, and to choose what benefits all mankind for eternity. When you recognize where your thoughts have been taking you, you create the ability to go about the process of changing them into something more intentional for yourself. I say it's a process because it takes time, patience, dedication and strength. The clients that I've had over the years who have owned this process are now living a life they never even dreamed of. Stay tuned for the next blog where I'll share the tool that transforms those crazy ass thoughts into powerful action. Today is my husband’s birthday, he’s turning 6o years young! Quite a long time to be on this planet, and he has used his time here wisely. I put him at the very top of my list of people I know that live consciously. He has created a great balance of living in love, being very healthy, owning his abundance, and he is very happy most of the time. He has a focus on solutions, and I always trust that he’ll do what he says.
I gave a little speech for him this past Saturday night. One of the most important things I feel that I said was how grateful I am that he is able to continually hear me when I communicate something that is a challenge for me and he immediately makes the adjustment to change whatever part he might have in it. I find that to be a high complement. There are quite a few marriages that end in divorce because the two are unable to communicate with each other in a way that’s constructive. Much of the time one of the two will not admit that they need to make any adjustments in their behavior or maybe they just don’t care that something doesn’t work for the other party. Regardless, it’s a very unconscious and insensitive approach to life and, generally speaking, it doesn’t really work for creating a lot of harmony. I’ve worked with many people who have had issues communicating with their spouse, and it’s amazing how quickly things can get back on track with some open dialogue. If you want to create a happy and balanced marriage, there must be a continual working through the challenges that come up… cause let’s face it, something ALWAYS comes up. Feeling confident that we are able to talk to each other, and that there will be a mutual win/win happening, this is what makes a marriage last. Nick and I have been together for 16 years now, and I feel so blessed to have his love. I don’t know that I’ve ever met anyone who does “perfect” every minute of every day, but what I do know, is that it makes things perfect when couples commit to working through the challenges with love, compassion, respect, kindness and consideration. Thanks, Nick, for coming onto this planet 60 years ago so that I could love you deeply! |
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